My highlight of the London Coffee Festival was by far the True Artisan Cafe pop-up. The premise is simple, three bars, each one held by a different Artisan for each session over the course of the festival - 3 bars, 3 Artisans, 3 hours, with a live DJ to keep everybody jumping (if the free coffee wasn't enough).

Terrone had the afternoon slot at bar one on Sunday and after a few months of following them on Twitter thanks to a recommendation by Giulia during our very first brunch, I knew Hannah and I had to be there.

As the slot began we were greeted by a display of Terrone's branding thanks to the talented team behind Apple&Pear who were also on hand to help with the preparations (thanks to Giulia for another introduction). As you can see from the photographs they've produced a wonderful aesthetic & brand around an equally wonderful & driven company in the form of Terrone's team.

Its very refreshing to see small, independent companies working closely together to create a lasting impact, and I'm hoping this blog post will inspire others to check out these burgeoning companies before they blow up.

PS. Seriously, thanks to Giulia for all these introductions. I'm very happy to call her friend and even more happy she made me carrot cake! Thanks Giulia!


  1. Great photos Sam! Was good to meet you and Hannah. Like you, after recommendations and prompts by Giulia, it was the one pop-up I made a bee-line for :-)


  2. Thank you so much for the kind words! I am very happy to have you and Hannah as friends!!! And happy you liked Terrone Coffee!
    What settings did you use to shoot these photos? They are so bright and I know how dark that room was in reality!

  3. I was shooting at f1.8 and around 1600iso. I've done some pretty heavy work in Lightroom though. Using the brush tool to bring back contrast to some areas :) like the coffee and the branding
